Sunday, February 10, 2013

February Photo Collage Festival - #4

Aitchison family & friend, 1930
Many thoughts go through my mind when I see this picture. I love the clothes, the hair, the happy. I love how happy the children appear to be, especially my father-in-law, Eugene (Gene). He's the one in the middle. Grandma doesn't look quite as cheerful. Then, I remember that her husband died just the year before. They had moved to Snohomish County, Washington, by 1920. Gene was born in Alderwood Manor in 1921. His father, William Rutherford Aitchison, died April 29, 1929.

Elizabeth, or Aunt Betty, was about 12 years old in this picture. She was an attentive older sister and treated Gene well throughout her life. She married Richard Keniston in 1941. Aunt Betty died in 2000.

The other child in the picture is Grandon Waldron. Grandon was a lifelong friend of Gene's. They played together as children, hunted together as adults and spent many happy hours socializing. Grandon, or Wally, died in 2005. The family has many pictures that include Grandon.

I don't know who took the picture. It is obviously a posed one. I'm glad it was taken, and especially glad it was preserved.

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  1. This is a nice picture. Nice to think of the two boys being lifelong friends too.

  2. It’s heartwarming to see such joy in this photograph.
