A few years ago, I shared the post below to commemorate Thanksgiving Day in the United States. I am still honored to be descended from so many of the people who made the arduous, but hopeful, journey across the Atlantic Ocean seeking a better life. I am amazed at their tenacity and the hard work to survive. I think we can all look to them as examples of faith, hope and determination, whether we are related to them, or not.
I have double-checked the links and made updates, where necessary. Please enjoy read. I have also linked to my post outlining my Mayflower ancestors.

How nice to have a day set aside to really pay attention to the things for which we can be thankful; like football, the parade, an overabundance of food, and our heritage!
Today, especially, many of us can look to the passengers of the famous Mayflower for examples of courage, endurance and faith. Through my parents, I am descended from at least 11 of those brave individuals. I love to read about them. Their stories are interesting and inspiring.
One of the things I learned about the Mayflower passengers recently, is that they were originally identified as 'saints' and 'strangers,' depending on their origins or reasons for making the voyage to America. Ultimately, however, any of them who survived the journey is considered a 'pilgrim.' I am descended from persons both saint and stranger.
If you would like to learn more about the Mayflower and her passengers, and possibly some of the more famous descendants of those passengers, I have included a list of links to very helpful sites. Be careful! You might find yourself reading and searching for a very long time. Enjoy, and be thankful!
Ancestry.com also has some great Mayflower resources ( from 'Search' drop-down box, select 'Card Catalog;' type 'Mayflower' into the keyword field; you'll be able to see the results list, but need account to see results within each database)
My Mayflower Ancestors
My Mayflower Ancestors

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